The Final Countdown

Dear family,

I think I have finally decided to admit that this is my last full week in the mission. For this whole transfer, everytime we would have a missionary get-together everyone would ask me how I felt. Also this week my companion started to hide notes in the house saying the countdown of how many days I have left. We both laugh every time I find a note hidden in a cupboard or in my shampoo, but it is starting to feel very real that I could be coming home soon. I am determined to keep working hard until my last day, but that day is coming fast. 

This week overall was very special, we were able to find more people who are very prepared and also visit a few people who could be baptized in these next few months or weeks. Also J and M both came to church, and both have baptismal dates for December. J has come now three weeks in a row and is reading the Book of Mormon, despite the fact that he works in a colmado (a little store they have here on every corner) until 2 in the morning on Saturdays. M couldn't come to church for a month because her brother had a serious accident and was helping him recover, but came this Sunday and is preparing to be baptized. We also had an amazing testimony meeting during the Sacrament meeting and I could feel the Spirit very strongly and it made me so happy to think that they could hear the testimonies of the members, and even the testimony of E, which made me even more happy. There are a few other stories from this week, but I am going to save them for when I get home. :) 

We also started the Light the World program this last week (I would highly recommend looking at it, it is very cool) and we started on Saturday by painting a member's house. I have always loved painting and it was a fun way to serve. I still don't feel like it is December, mainly because it is still 85 degrees here, but I am getting excited for Christmas. We sing Christmas hymns in every lesson and even started to decorate a little Christmas tree we have. Even though the holidays are different in the mission, it is still fun to decorate and enjoy them, and it helps me to remember why we celebrate Christmas. 

I have loved being here in Los Jardines with Hermana Hernandez and I love being a missionary. I have learned so many things I never thought I would learn and have met so many people I never thought I would meet. I have learned to love Jesus Christ and His gospel and the Book of Mormon even more. I love you all and hope to hear from you all soon! Also, felicidades Jake and Andi (and Claire), she is beautiful! 

Hermana Schriever
