Baptism of R

Saludos a todos!

It has been a pretty calm week here in Los Reyes, and it sounds like it was a chill week at home too. Nothing too crazy happened , but overall it was a very good week. Hermana Alvarado and I are working on getting to know the members better here in our ward so we've been visiting lots of members and so far we have loved it. The members here in Los Reyes are amazing and are excited to help us. We got to go exploring in parts of our area we didn't know existed, which is always adventure. One of members we visited gave us un monton (a lot) of food so we have been slowly eating it this week. One of the foods she gave us is rulos, which is kind of like a banana but short and very sweet, and since we don't have them in the U.S. I took a picture to show the difference between a banana (guineo in the DR), plantain (platino), and a rulo. 

To end a calm week we had the baptism of R. On Saturday we went to clean the church building and the baptismal font and then waited to fill font up because the church didn't have water. At 7:00 we took pictures and were happy to have lots of members come and even the P family, M and A and their daughters! We are excited to see how the members have welcomed M and A and we are thinking they can be baptized this month or the beginning of September. They are an amazing family. 

I feel bad because I don't have a lot of news, but I am happy to be here in Los Reyes and am doing well. I got to see my companion, Hermana Henry, after about 4 months because we went to a big park in SAntiago to play sports with other missionaries. I also got to meet a missionary who is from Nampa, ID and is a cousin of the Talbots, Hna. Robinson. We were talking and we found out that we both know the Talbot family. What a small world.  Hermana Alvarado and I get along well and we like to cook together, it normally ends up being an odd mix of American, Dominican , and Nicaraguense food. Hermana Alvarado is planning on teaching me next week how to make Nicaragüense tortillas when we can buy the right kind of flour, we'll see how it goes....  

I hope you are all doing well and have had a great week. I can't wait to hear from you all next week! Les quiero mucho!
Hermana Schriever

1. guineo, plantino, rulo
2 and 3. the baptism of Robertico!
4. Hermana Henry and I in a park with a lot of missionaries
5. Hermana Robinson and I
