Adios Primaveras

Dear family,
It has been a hectic week, I imagine for you guys too, but a very good past two weeks too. I iddin´t write the last week because the internet cafe that we use every week didn´t have internet, so I didn´t get to write or read any emails. Thank you for writing me even though I didn´t respond to any of your emails. We thought it was the only one in our area, but Hermana Julien and I found one this week and we are testing this internet cafe out for the week. So far so good. 
I had a good Thanksgiving week and President Castillo gave us permission to get together as a zone to have a Thanksgiving lunch. Hermana Julien made chicken (Dominican style) and I made apple pie for the zone. It was a lot of fun and we tried to play the game that Anna talked about playing in her zone ¨Pluck the Turkey¨, but we ran out of time because we only had an hour to eat and play games. I´m hoiping the next Thanksgiving I´ll get to try it out with my zone. It was kind of a weird day, we had weekly planning in the morning, the Thanksgiving lunch and then I had intercambios with the HErmana Leaders right after. It didn´t feel like Thanksgiving, mainly due to the palm trees and 80-85 degree weather, but it was still a good day. We ate lots of Dominican-American food and it was a lot of fun.

Hermana Julien and I had a sad day this past week because we had two investigators who were going to get married and baptized this past weekend but the day before their wedding, the husband-to-be decided that he wasn´t ready to get married. It was a crazy day trying to meet with them and see if we could move the date. As of right now, they haven´t picked a date but we are hoping that they will get married in December or January. We are still meeting with them so we´ll what happens. 

On a more positive note, we have another young couple named C and J that want to get married in December. they have two young kids and are super cute. We have been finding a lot of really amazing people, our main concern is getting them to church. 

I don´t have a ton of time left, but I found out today that my companion, hermana Julien is going to train a new missionary for the first time, which also means that I´ll be leaving the area. I was really sad to hear the news, I love this area and it feels like home, but I´m excited to find out where I´m headed tomorrow in our district meeting and I´m excited for my companion and her new chichi (or baby in Dominican Spanish). I´ve loved it here in the Primaveras and will let you guys know next week where my new area is. 

I was glad to hear that you all had a good Thanksgiving, it looks like the Brice family went all out for the Thanksgiving dinner and the decorations are absolutely beautiful. I´m so glad the Meridian Temple dedication went well and it was a great experience. I can´t wiat to go see the temple when I go home. It is crazy to think that it is almost December, I hope you all have a good week and can hold on for the four weeks until Christmas. It will be here before we know it and I can´t wiat to talk to you all. I love you all so much and hope you have a great week. 
Hermana Schriever

Some of the Thanksgiving food, a picture with my mission mom (hermana Lynch) and brother (Elder Rojas from El Salvador), a picture with Hermana Julien after we helped paint a members house (the horses on the front gate is a normal thing to see here, so is the orange paint)
